If you have moved your important file to Trash on Mac. Then, you can restore it back unless it is permanently deleted from the Trash. In Mac, the Trash works like a holding area for your deleted files. Later, you can recover the files from Trash manually. The removed files from Trash are automatically permanently deleted after 30 days. Let’s see the easy steps to restore the Trash on Mac.
How to Take Screenshot on Your Mac. : • How to Take Screenshot on Your Mac
1. For demo purposes, I am going to remove these files from my mac.
2. I have selected the files, and right-clicked on a file.
3. From the drop-down list, click on the Move to Trash option. This will remove the selected files and will move them to the Trash folder.
4. Now, we will try to restore the deleted files, I will open the Trash folder.
5. Click on the Edit menu at the top left.
6. From the sub-menu list, click on the Select All option.
7. This action will select all your deleted files in the Trash folder.
8. Click on the File menu at the top left.
9. From the sub-menu list, click on the Put Back option.
10. This will restore your removed files from the Trash folder to your saved location on Mac.
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