AI Adaptive Masks inside Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic have opened up a world of new creative possibilities! In this video, I will show you two ways to use Lightroom Classic’s Masking tools to enhance the lighting in your portrait photography.
In the first section of this tutorial, I demonstrate how to use the Select Subject command and its opposite, the new Duplicate and Invert option, to improve the lighting on a group portrait.
Moving on to the second section, I’ll teach you a gentler lighting method that you can use to add soft hints of “golden beauty light” into your headshots. This technique, which makes use of the powerful Intersect Mask command, is a great way to brush subtle touches of light into select portions of your subject’s face and skin.
0:00 Introduction
0:33 Enhancing The Light In A Group Portrait Using Masks
3:05 Adding Soft Beauty Light In Lightroom Classic With Masks
8:13 Conclusion
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