For The Financial News Network you are watching The Dalai Lama is on board with Russian Inventor's plan to extend human life--INDEFINITELY. Increasingly popular project, named 2045, Dmitry Itskov is part genius and part dreamer. By the year 2045 he aims to fund and implement a 4 stage plan to create undying body's to preserve anyone (presumably) who can afford one. He's asking for $50 Billion to make this dream a reality, and calls it an evolution for mankind, saying that it is imperative that we stop finding solutions for small mundane problems and look to macro-changes in the future.
Step A of Itskov's plan is to create a robotic body, which he thinks will be attained by the year 2020. 5 years later, Step B, he will introduce a live human brain into a mechanical body to sustain life. Step C, in the year 2035 Dmitry see's a person's personality finally getting transferred, and in 2045, Step D, immortality is achieved by integrating a holographic -like avatar to the world. This would be a substance-free personality, that walks, talks, and surpasses humanity in every aspect. Science fiction or Science Fact? Judge for yourself by going to For more news and updates, keep it right here to the financial news network, or share your thoughts with us on Twitter, @Fnnonline.