In this video, I show you how to use the AGGREGATE and the SUBTOTAL functions together in Excel to create robust calculations like Totals and Sub Totals. The aggregate function works with over 19 other functions like the AVERAGE function, COUNT function, COUNTA function, MAX function, MIN function, PRODUCT function, STDEV.S function, STDEV.P function, SUM function, VAR.S function, VAR.P function, MEDIAN function, MODE.SNGL function, LARGE function, SMALL function, PERCENTILE.INC function, QUARTILE.INC function, PERCENTILE.EXC function, QUARTILE.EXC function but in this video, we shall learn how to do a sum using the aggregate function.
The SUBTOTAL function also works with so many other functions with numerous other options and it's more dynamic and flexible than the simple SUM function.
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