In this video I discuss Kiwi fruit, how it is grown, where it is grown, its nutritional profile, health benefits, cost, and a couple of facts.
Kiwi fruit
Kiwifruit is the edible berry of a woody vine, which can reach 18 to 24 feet in length. Kiwifruit can grow 3.1 inches in length and 2.2 inches in diameter, they have a soft texture, sweet flavor, and their skin is covered in short stiff brown hairs. The top 3 producers in kiwifruit are Italy New Zealand and Chile.
One medium sized kiwi, without the skin, provides 46 calories, 0.4g of fat, 11g of carbs, 0.9g of protein, 2.3g of fiber, and 6.8g of sugar. Kiwifruit are very high in Vitamin c, and contain a good amount of vitamin k.
Since kiwi is so high in vitamin c, it is an excellent source of antioxidants, which fight free radicals in the body. It also provides nutrients that protect DNA in the nucleus of cells from oxygen damage. Kiwi can also help fight against blood clots since it contains vitamin k.
It can also help maintain beautiful skin, improve digestion and help the body’s immune system.
Kiwi is also a cheap and healthy snack. One medium fruit usually costs around…89 cents….each. Consuming 2 kiwifruit in a day would meet, and even surpass the minimum daily vitamin c recommendation.
Some kiwi facts…
Kiwi was named after its resemblance to the fuzzy brown kiwi – New Zealand’s national bird.
Kiwi is often used in DIY face masks, because of its contents that fight the aging process.
0:00 What is Kiwi Fruit and how does it grow?
0:21 Nutrition of Kiwi Fruit
0:40 Health benefits of Kiwi Fruit
1:02 Cost of Kiwi Fruit
1:15 Fun Kiwi facts