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Is it true that the Gluteal Bridge is good for your back?
In almost any fitness program for the gym you can easily find at least one of the variations of glute bridge. Someone does it with a pretty impressive weight with a barbell, and someone else with a light load, to tone gluteal muscles (usually a girl - infographics). Many believe that the gluteal bridge is a "girl's exercise". Indeed, many believe that it is a weak, secondary and purely female exercise, like leg curls. This attitude is fundamentally wrong. What is the secret of such great popularity? Let's see what benefits you can get from it and how to use it to the maximum.
Posture Improvement:
Sitting for long periods of time during the day causes the glutes to weaken, at the same time the flexor muscles in the front of the thigh shorten, causing them to tighten.
Creating a great gluteal shape:
This exercise, like squats, involves hip and knee extension, so they both work the same muscle group (hip extensors), which includes the gluteus maximus and quadriceps.
Strengthening the back:
After all, Glute Bridges work not only hip extension, but also safely and effectively work the muscles responsible for posture.
Reducing lower back pain:
Performing glute bridges helps reduce lower back pain. In addition to the glutes, the back of the thigh, lower back and abs are also worked. Along with the same benefits as squats, the glute bridge has one important advantage: it does not put any pressure on the lower back.
Strengthening the core muscles:
And as you realized the glute bridge helps here as well. Although the exercise primarily targets the gluteal area, it also activates and strengthens the stabilizing cortical muscles.
Reducing knee pain:
The glute bridge helps in stabilizing the knees, due to which pain can subsequently go away, but of course not in all cases as you can understand. One of the main causes of knee pain is lack of control of the femur, located at the top of the thigh.
Running gets faster and jumping gets higher:
Well, if you are a fan of running and jumping then Gluteal bridges are also useful for increasing running speed and jumping height, as they make the hips and muscles involved in these activities much stronger.
Namely Correction of Muscle Imbalances:
Another reason to include this wonderful exercise in your workout program is that many people tend to focus all their attention on a specific body part and actively train only that part, which leads to muscle imbalances.
Improving the squat and deadlift:
The glute bridge is also worth including in your weight training program to improve your bench press. Leg work plays a huge role in lifting weights. The glute bridge helps you increase your strength gains on the squat and in the deadlift. In particular, gluteal activation helps transfer force from the lower body upwards and also protects the lower back, but many people completely forget this when performing bench presses.