BEST of Kettlebells Playlist on Critical Bench
• The Best of Kettlebell Training
Coach Zach shows you 7 of his go to kettlebell exercises for building stronger, bigger bicep peaks. If you're needing a boost in your arm training workouts, these 7 exercises will give it to you!! Give one or all of these a try and have some fun mixing them together in different combinations.
Kettlebell training is amazing at improving strength from top to bottom and require a bit of skill but these 7 arm exercises for your biceps are a simple introduction into using kettlebells. Follow coach Zach as he briefly demonstrates how to do all 7 moves.
7 of the BEST Kettlebell Arm Curl Exercises for Stronger Biceps
-By the Horns Curl (bottoms up)
-By the Horns Curl (standard)
-Drag Curl
-Bottoms Up Curl
-Concentration Curl (hanging arm)
-Towel Curl
-Deep Squat Preacher Curl
Thank you for watching the Critical Bench YouTube channel. Please be sure to give Zach a great big thumbs up, subscribe to our channel for more videos like this and be sure to watch the playlist at the top to see more kettlebell exercise videos. Leave us questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you!!
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