Slide your way to a Flat Stomach w/ FREE Sliders:
If anyones going to help you get a shredded Six Pack like a Spartan it's Coach Zach Zenios!
Coach Zach is going to show you 3 Core Exercises with a Sand Bag for Full Body Strength and Conditioning.
The Sand Bag is an excellent tool for full body core strength because of it's unique but awkward shape/size. This awkward size and shape makes it the perfect tool for core. The sand moves around in the bag so its weight is distributed differently with every rep depending on where/how you're holding it. This is ideal for overloading and confusing the muscle fibers of the core stabilizer muscles. Its difficult to prepare and compensate for this unknown weight distribution, making this a solid choice for general Full Body Strength & Conditioning to get you RIPPED 💪.
Slide your way to a Flat Stomach FREE Sliders:
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