Power BI Advanced Visualizations: Circular BarPlot with R Script Visual

Опубликовано: 22 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Mike YU (BI&Analytics)

In the video I have demonstrated a way on how to draw a circular bar plot via Power BI R script Visual. The introduced method covers: how to enable R scrip visual in power BI, how to launch R studio from power BI directly with automatically imported source data, and how to create R scrips for drawing circular barplot in R studio, and how to copy the R scripts and paste it back into power
BI R script visual for drawing circular barplot. Hope my this video can bring some helps for your power BI advanced visualizations

You may copy the R scripts from the following my blogsite link:

References :

The Comprehensive R Archive Network (r-project.org):

RStudio Desktop - Posit:

RStudio for the Total Beginner - YouTube:
   • RStudio for the Total Beginner  

Circular barplot | the R Graph Gallery (r-graph-gallery.com):