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Full transcript:
Ellen: Hey everybody, I'm Ellen here at and we're going to take a quick look at the Performance Tools - Drill and Bit Driver Set.This comes with a whole bunch of stuff to make sure that you can do just about any job around the house. So it's pretty typical. It's going to have a lot of the different sizes and different stuff that you want. I'm not going to go through each and every part, just because you can read all those parts that are listed out on our product page here at as far as how it's going to be to actually use this kit, it seems like it's a pretty good one. I think it would maybe be a little bit annoying if you're going to be using it every day, just because it can be kind of tricky to get some of these pieces out.On the bit driver side, I also noticed that there's a coating on this stuff, a lot of them that's kind of sticky. I'm not really sure why, if they tried to just put some kind of layer on there to make sure that they don't rust But when you pick them up, they just kind of have this tackiness to them, which is not the coolest thing.
But I don't think it's going to affect the overall use of them, it's just something that I noticed.As far as how hard it is to get the stuff out of the case. We've got our extensions here and adapter for different sockets and things like that, if you want to use that on your bit driver, that one's not too hard to get out. The other extensions are pretty easy to get out of there, just because you've got so much leverage, since it's so long, those aren't too bad. Can be kind of tricky to get into the ones that are kind of in the middle.And I think that this whole layer just kind of popped down because it's two different things on top of each other, there's the bit drivers and then on the other side, we've got our drills. But it looks like this sheet, that that's laying on, just kind of popped down as I was pushing into it.
So open this up again. There we go. There's like two little places where it rests, so I think you can fix it pretty easy, but that's a little annoying.As far as the smaller bits, these are pretty easy to get out. A couple of them I had a little hard time getting them out at first, but it seems like maybe that sticky coating, or this layer of protection, or whatever it is, just kind of made them stick a little bit. So these aren't too bad to get out.
They're not labeled anywhere on here, but I think each one of them, well, said so, flip, they are labeled on the actual bit itself. So this is our Torx bit. So it's a T27. So, and it's printed into the metal as well, it's not just a little thing and it's pretty deep in there, so it should be pretty easy to see for a long time, it's not too shallow as far as that goes. But getting some of these guys out, as I mentioned, can be a little bit tricky.
I also have kind of weirdly weak hands, so you might have an easier time with it than I do.Let's flip it over to the other side and see how those are. For the drills, these are. All the big ones are pretty easy to get out. You know, again, just kind of have more leverage to pop them out of place.Of course you probably shouldn't grab the sharp end like I'm doing, but you know, it is what it is. Getting them back into the spot though, is a little hard. They again, are labeled with the size, but you can't really turn them in this, the way it's held, because if you do, it starts to kind of shave off the plastic and, but they do have, again, the size of the drill bit printed on the bottom there. The small ones though, I had a pretty hard time getting out of place. I actually had to kind of use a little screwdriver to pop those out.Again, if you're going to be somebody who's using this all the time, you probably have stronger hands than I do, but just getting that guy out of there is not the easiest. So that's why I say that this would maybe be good for just kind of your occasional use rather than day in, day out, like using it in a shop or something like that. And I'd probably get kind of annoyed or things would just end up not getting back in their own spot.Again, if you want to see all the parts that are in this, you can find those on our website listed out for each of those pieces. Excuse me.As far as the construction, our drill bits here are made of titanium-coated metal. Excuse me. And then the bit drivers are going to also be a pretty sturdy construction. So I think as far as the tools themselves, they should be fine, but