15 Precise Core Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

Опубликовано: 21 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: Roberta's Gym

Working on your core is one of the best ways to help tone your midsection and feel stronger overall. These 15 exercises focus on your core, helping to tighten and strengthen the muscles in that area. While the goal is to reduce belly fat, it's important to remember that consistent effort and patience are key. Over time, you'll notice your core becoming more defined and your overall fitness improving.

Incorporating these exercises into your routine can make a big difference in how you feel and look. You'll find that as your core gets stronger, everyday activities become easier, and you might even notice improvements in your posture. Stick with it, stay positive, and enjoy the progress you make along the way.

You’re taking a big step toward a stronger, healthier you with these 15 precise core exercises. Remember, consistency is key, and every bit of effort counts. Keep at it, and you’ll start noticing the difference. Good luck and have fun! ️

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00:00 Introduction
00:08 Walk Downs
02:10 Rest
02:28 V Up
03:08 Rest
03:26 Woodchoppers Right
04:05 Rest
04:23 Woodchoppers Left
05:01 Rest
05:19 U Boat Crunch
05:50 Rest
06:08 Side Plank Pulse Left
06:42 Rest
07:00 Side Plank Pulse Right
07:34 Rest
07:52 Side Crunches Right
08:30 Rest
08:48 Side Crunches Left
09:27 Rest
09:45 Russian Twist
10:09 Rest
10:27 Reverse Crunches
11:06 Rest
11:24 Reverse Crunch Extension
12:13 Rest
12:31 Plank Press Back
13:19 Rest
13:37 Plank Reaches
14:10 Rest
14:28 Plank
15:06 Rest
15:24 Knee Tuck Crunch
16:02 Rest
16:20 Hand To Knee
17:29 Rest
17:47 Flutter Kicks