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/ etrailertv
Full transcript:
Today, we're going to be taking a look at, as well as doing a quick installation of the Tow-Rax Aluminum Double Bracket Hanger. Part number TWSP1025DBA. Now, here is what our double bracket hanger looks like. We've already gone ahead and had to drill two holes in it to secure it to our wall. Now, when you get your double bracket hanger, this will be completely solid. There won't be any holes already drilled in it. So you will need to choose exactly where you want to put a couple holes, to secure it to the wall.
Now, for today's demo and installation, we're going to be installing it here in our enclosed trailer, but this bracket hanger works well in a shop, or even just a garage. We'll go ahead and take a couple of screws, and we'll secure our bracket to the wall. Just like that, our double bracket hanger is installed on the wall, and let's go ahead and give you a couple of ideas of what you can use it for. We got a hoodie style sweatshirt here. Simply hook it over the bracket. It works great for that.
We've even got a fishing net here. Hangs on there just as well. Got a bag here. As you can see, the uses for this double bracket hanger from Tow-Rax are limitless. Part number TWSP1025DBA. .