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/ etrailertv
Full transcript:
Today we're gonna be taking a look at the Camco RV Water Line Blow-Out Plug, part number CAM36103. This plastic plug screws into your RV's city water inlet to help you completely remove water from your water lines. It's made out of the durable plastic construction so it won't rust or corrode. There are no tools required. Now we'll go ahead and show you how to use it. The first step is to disconnect from your outside water source. We're all set here. Next, we'll need to bypass our water heater.
If you don't have a bypass installed, you can pick one up with part number CAM35983. Our bypass is located here. I'm just gonna engage it and we're all set. Next, we need to drain as much water from our pipes as possible. I've gone ahead and drained my fresh water tank.
Ours was just a plug right here that we pull and then it comes out. This may take awhile depending on how much water you have. Then, it's recommended that we open up our water taps and flush our toilet. After we've drained as much water as we can, we can return to our fresh water connection. Open that up. Then, we're gonna take our blow-out plug.
I'm just gonna screw it on right here. Doesn't have to be extremely tight, just get it nice and snug. Then, we can remove our rubber cap and we're gonna apply air pressure. This is going to flush out any remaining water from your system. Now we can remove our Blow-Out plug and close up all the faucets.
That's gonna complete our look at the Camco RV Water Line Blow-Out Plug, part number CAM36103.