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Худеющий дневник | Неделя 5: обзор GrowFood, сходили в Kono | что я ем за неделю
The DOPEST Blind Auditions on The Voice | Top 10
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Women in Big Data Lunch at Spark Summit East
Using Spark and Riak for IoT Apps—Patterns and Anti Patterns: Spark Summit East talk by Pavel Hardak
Effective Spark with Alluxio: Spark Summit East talk by Gene Pang and Haoyuan Li
Utilizing Spark as the Analytical Core to an Open Source HTAP Relational Database: John Leach
Building Real Time BI Systems with Kafka, Spark & Kudu: Spark Summit East talk by Ruhollah Farchtchi
The Fast Path to Building Operational Applications with Spark: talk by Nikita Shamgunov
Auto Scaling Systems With Elastic Spark Streaming: Spark Summit East talk by PhuDuc Nguyen
Optimizing Spark Deployments for Containers: Isolation, Safety & Performance by William Benton
Secured Kerberos based Spark Notebook for Data Science: Spark Summit East talk by Joy Chakraborty
Teaching Apache Spark Clusters to Manage Their Workers Elastically: Erik Erlandson and Trevor Mckay
Building a Dataset Search Engine with Spark & Elasticsearch: talk by Oscar Castañeda-Villagrán
Apache Carbondata: An Indexed Columnar File Format for Interactive Query by Jacky Li/Jihong Ma
Lessons Learned from Dockerizing Spark Workloads: Spark Summit East talk by Tom Phelan
New Directions in pySpark for Time Series Analysis: Spark Summit East talk by David Palaitis
Keeping Spark on Track: Productionizing Spark for ETL: talk by Kyle Pistor and Miklos Christine
Spark: Data Science as a Service: Spark Summit East talk by Shekhar Agrawal and Sridhar Alla
Accelerating Spark Genome Sequencing in Cloud—A Data Driven Approach by Eric Kaczmarek and Lucy Lu
Spark Autotuning: Spark Summit East talk by: Lawrence Spracklen
Lambda Processing for Near Real Time Search Indexing at WalmartLabs: talk by Snehal Nagmote
Fault Tolerance in Spark: Lessons Learned from Production: Spark Summit East talk by Jose Soltren
Sparking Up Data Engineering: Spark Summit East talk by Rohan Sharma
Spark Streaming as a Service with Kafka and YARN: Spark Summit East talk by Jim Dowling
Learnings Using Spark Streaming and DataFrames for Walmart Search: by Nirmal Sharma and Yan Zheng
Fighting Cybercrime: A Joint Task Force of Real Time Data and Human Analytics by William Callaghan