Share experience of using FHIR APIs in COVID-19 related projects at Ontario Ministry of Health: business needs, data modelling, integration requirements, design of FHIR IGs and implementation of APIs. This includes use of FHIR APIs in the following areas:
1. Getting COVID-19 Lab results from the provincial Laboratory System into the Public Health Case & Contact Management System (CCM) and triggering case investigations and contact tracing.
2. Using the provincial client registry to validate and augment patient data.
3. Submission of COVID-19 Immunization records by external parties (e.g. doctors' offices and pharmacies) to the provincial immunization repository.
4. Submission of Adverse Event Following Immunization data by external parties to CCM.
5. Proof of vaccination.
6. Access to COVID-19 Immunization data by patients and healthcare provider. .
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