The US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Data Modernization Initiative (DMI) is a multi-year effort to modernize the agency's core data systems. Within CDC DMI, the Enterprise Data EXchange (DEX) system is tasked with modernizing transport, validation and observability. We share the CDC business and technical FHIR roadmaps, discuss the selection process for our Phase 1 pilots and share pilot status from our May 2023 Connectathon track. We then briefly discuss how the US Federal budget, hiring and procurement bureaucracies deeply constrained our FHIR solution and phasing, and the impact of our workarounds.
Recap CDC Mission and Introduce DMI (Data Modernization Initiative)
CDC Business FHIR Roadmap
CDC Technical FHIR Roadmap
Status from May 2023 Connectathon track
Use case selection for Phase 1 pilot
Budget, People and Procurement timeline
Lessons Learned: FHIR Phasing at a Federal Agency
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