This session focusses on replacing a legacy platform for storing and processing clinical data with a FHIR Platform. How can this Platform:
Handle clinical data from hospitals delivered by batch or manual entry?
Map clinical data based on data structures from clinical registries to FHIR Resources and vice versa?
Persist FHIR Resources?
Allow for FHIR data exchange from multiple EMR vendors?
We focus on challenges that we encountered, including data standardization, and conversions. In addition, one remaining focus point pertains to data application management: how can the Platform be maintained?
It required us to carefully think through all that is required for FHIR as both for storage and data exchange. Moreover, we want to illustrate how we focused on scalability and the changing health care landscape. The presentation concludes with a recently setup connectivity with multiple EMR-vendors, for handling automated data delivery for a lifestyle intervention.
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