THERE'S GOTTA BE HOPE, RIGHT? - A Charity Compilation

Опубликовано: 12 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Jimmy


looking at the current bushfire and climate crisis I knew I had to try and help in some way

i got together all of my talented music friends and people I wish where my friends together for this compilation since the government won’t do anything

all tracks where donated, all funds go towards the RFS, all tracks are very good

thank u"

Billiam, of Disco Junk, has asked me to share this charity compilation tape. This is an incredible thing that he's been able to coordinate: a communal, artist-driven means of contributing to the Australian wildfire relief. And of course, you better believe there's some damn talented artists featured on this hour-long compilation. Please consider donating if you're able. You could get a tape in return, if you're keen.

P.P. REBEL: Trip The Light Fantastic - 0:00
SNAKE VALLEY: Bipolar Express - 2:42
JARROW: These Days II - 5:08
ALIEN NOSEJOB: Television Sets - 6:54
DRAGNET: The Gnomes - 8:56
DISCO JUNK: Printer Jam - 10:08
CB RADIO: Tension (Feat Billiam) - 11:16
TRASH BANDITS: Sorrow - 13:17
ILL GLOBO: Check The Odds - 15:57
TOMBEAU: Salad - 16:51
DR. SURE'S UNUSUAL PRACTICE: Thoughts and Prayers (From The Deckchair) - 18:42
R.M.F.C.: The Clue - 21:18
TOR: Hawaii - 22:58
THE FREAKEES: Life on Venus - 23:56
GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNION: Australian Dream - 26:19
PINCH POINTS: Shibboleth (Live at PBS) - 27:40
EASY BROWNS: Dr. 110 - 30:38
SUNFRUITS: All I Want - 32:17
OUZO: The Martian’s Mistake - 36:13
RHYSICS: Holding Onto Yourself Part One And Two - 38:13
LOVEBONER: Biopic Wife - 40:43
DENNIS: Happy Birthday - 44:14
KILL BELL: Baby - 48:18
THEE CHA CHA CHAS: Running Out Of Time - 50:32
DAUGHTER BAT & THE LIP STINGS: No Excuse For You - 52:18
HAPPY TRAILS: Flopper - 53:51
AGGRESSIVE HUGGER: Holding Hands - 56:08
THE VOVOS: Honey - 58:14
BILLIAM: Smoke Attack - 1:01:07
GEE TEE: FBI (Demo Version) - 1:03:27
TEE GEE: Stallone - 1:05:08
KANDALINI: Uprising Off (Live at Bombay Rock) - 1:07:28