For the leather-bound denizens of the punk persuasion, spiked studded or otherwise, a health advisory has been set in place for the world at large: ten tracks of mechanical, noise-contaminated hardcore have been sifted from the toxic runoff polluting Buffalo's city streets -- and no, this is hardly safe for human consumption. These contagions have been traced back to Science Man, an institution that has professioned in the acts of noise, hardcore, and punk rock synthesis for multiple years now, inundating the world with a brutal concoction of ear-scathing guitars, throat-rending vocals, and brain-mulching drumbeats that have all proven to be disastrous to the natural human form. Mankind's current physiology simply isn't prepared to handle the level of such intensity and virulence that these tracks can deliver -- Science Man's "Nines Mecca" only hopes to push humanity into its next phase of being. A word of caution to those fond of their current genotype: you may not like what awaits you on the other side of this...
"Perilous transformations at the end of times.
'THE SIGN' is part 6 in the 10 part video series 'NINES MECCA' by Science Man
Directed, Filmed, and Edited by John Toohill
Stop Motion Animation and Mask by Lindsay Tripp
'NINES MECCA' will be out via Swimming Faith and Feral Kid Records March 18th.
Order the LP or VHS here:
Swimming Faith:
Feral Kid Records:"