This is Triple Ente from Alicante, Spain. You are listening to a rip of their "Demo II" cassette, released by "Paff... Bum Discos" and "Flexidiscos Tienda" in mid-2018, which came loaded with an assortment of "bonus tracks" that weren't present on the album's digital release -- though, in actuality, the bonus tracks are simply the group's first demo in its entirety. So it's more of a... two-for-one-deal kind of thing, meaning those looking for an exclusive, auxiliary Triple Ente listening experience are going to be left slightly disappointed by that title. Sorry. I wasn't exactly sure what to label this thing with, and moreover, I just couldn't pass up this opportunity to shine more light on this phenomenal punk act. This three-piece is sorely underappreciated.
I mean... just listen to that opening track. The cacophonous barrage of jagged guitar-work and comparably tightened rhythms presented wherein, densely compacted like a congealed mass of eclectic auditorial gruel, an amalgam of lo-fi, unconventional punk sensibilities exploding from their confines of their performance with an infectious, propulsive vitality -- Triple Ente encapsulates everything that this channel -- or... "Jimmy punk" if I'm forced to acknowledge that stereotype -- has come to represent over the years. It should be no surprise that I immediately fell in love with this band the moment their jerky, convulsive melodies permeated the soundscape. The group's musicianship is simply electrifying; it's sometimes hard to mentally process that these sounds are largely being produced by three instruments and three instruments alone. The complex song structures, each component flexing the boundaries of their role with their hyperactive expressiveness -- the basslines oscillating and gyrating with a restless spontaneity, the rapid-shifting guitar chords blowing through entire chord progressions in seconds, the snare action maintaining pace with a militant adherence --, all requires immediate repeat listens just to properly digest. It's auditory chaos, loosely contained within an eccentric punk chassis: and it is simply mind-melting. Triple Ente is a fantastic band.
Thank you to Sam for providing the original files and introducing me to this band last year. I tried to tidy up the rip a little, so if it sounds bad, that's on me.
Triple Ente - 0:00
Pie - 1:00
La Nave del Misterio - 2:28
Mentías, Prats - 3:31
Bourbon en Brujas - 4:31
Antropoceno - 5:58
Nuevo Imperio - 8:33
El Mar - 9:44
Oficialnoicos - 10:55
Quinqui - 11:39