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Speaker 1: Today we're going to be taking a look at Kat's Heaters Vehicle Interior Heater, part number KH37100.This heater allows you to preheat the interior of your vehicle without having to start the engine. What's great about this is that you'll save fuel because you won't have to let it preheat. Additionally, if you're inside of a non-heated garage where you don't want to run your engine because it can be a hazard to your health, you can still heat your vehicle up without any of those worries. Hop in and hit the road.It operates using a 120-volt outlet. The only thing that you may need is an extension cord. Once it's plugged in, the unit automatically turns on.
The fan located on the top is the air intake and the outlet is here at the heater outlet. The unit's thermostatically protected, so it'll shut off before it gets too hot.For demonstration purposes, we've just got ours sitting on our dash here. But there is an included mounting bracket, so you can place it underneath the dash, up out of the way, and it'll be ready to use it whenever you need it. The black exterior of the unit is going to match most interiors, so when you mount it up underneath the dash, out of the way, it'll blend in as if it was supposed to be there. When you're not using it, the cord can be stowed inside the vehicle, up out of the way.
The mounting bracket on the back of the unit can pop off to make for easy installation of the bracket. It comes with four screws to get it mounted up underneath your dash where you'd like.To give you an idea of how effective it is, we'll take a temperature reading before we've got our heater turned on. As you can see, it's about 36 degrees inside the vehicle. We've had it on for about 15 minutes now. If we take the reading at the same spot, we're at almost 70 degrees, so we've got an increase of 30 degrees over what we we're at before.Compared to the 12-volt options out there, this one is designed to preheat the vehicle, and it's a much higher output of 900 watts.
Many of those other units put out a third or less of the heating capacity this one will put out.Our customer, Chris, had a five-star experience, and had to say, "Thank you. It's difficult to locate a car heater that actually works."That completes our look at Kat's Heaters Vehicle Interior Heater, part number KH37100.