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Full transcript:
Hey, it's Trevor with etrailer. Today we're gonna talk about Flint Hill Goods Ramped Cargo Carrier on our 2016 Toyota Prius. Now this cargo carrier is gonna be great for holding anything you wanna put back here, and since it is ramped, a great option for it. And most commonly seen is gonna be like your scooters, your mowers, your snowblowers, generators. And actually our neighbor today is getting this for her scooter, and then another benefit of it, too, is this one's made of aluminum. So it's gonna be great for these smaller vehicles compared to a steel one.
And although the carrier is rated for 500 pounds, your vehicle might not be because our tow hitch is only rated for 375. And then, like I said, your vehicle might not be rated for that. So I would double check your owner's manual and go by the lowest rated component. Now talking about that ramp, to release it, all you're gonna do is pull this clip off the backside of the pin, push your pin out the side, you'll have one on both sides. And then once you get those pulled, as you can see, the ramp isn't going anywhere.
So you don't have to worry about it just falling right down on top of you. But you can lower that down. And now you can roll anything up onto the cargo carrier or roll anything off of your cargo carrier you may have. Now, as you might see is that this ramp is sitting mostly on the ground here, but on this side it's a little off. Might be wondering why, and that's just because we're on uneven ground today.
So if you take this with you to a campsite, you may run into the same issue that we have here today. But with this ramp as it is 40 inches long, it's gonna give us a nice incline to put anything up onto this cargo carrier or anything off of it. I want to get some vehicle measurements here to kind of show you how this is gonna sit on your Prius. So from our center of our bumper to the outside edge, we're looking at about 37". And for our ground clearance, we're looking at about 12-3/4" as of right now.
So if you plan on getting this, you're gonna have plenty of room to actually have this on the back of your vehicle without it really being noticeable and it's gonna add an extra 37". But with this being a much more compact vehicle, that's really not gonna add too much. Now that's ground clearance without any added extra weight. So if I go ahead and step in here, you're gonna notice that that ground clearance is gonna change pretty drastically and I'm about 238, which is close to about half the weight capacity of this carrier. So if you plan on adding about that much weight in there, that's gonna be about what your ground clearance is gonna look like and it's gonna steepen that angle quite a bit. So I'd keep that in mind if you have a steep driveway or say you plan on taking this up with you into the mountains, just to be careful. This carrier does come with two anti-rattle devices. You're gonna have this collar style here that's gonna use a U-bolt to go around the shank of your cargo carrier. And then this plate on top to hold it tight up against your hitch receiver with a washer, lock washer and a nut here. And typically you would get another style of anti-rattle that goes through your hitch pin hole. And it has this nut that clamps it down tight to your receiver tube and a pin on the end. It also comes with this handy little washer. So in case you don't want to carry around a wrench whenever you're out and about, it's a great option. But today our neighbor has chosen for a lock on hers 'cause she's planning on using it for a scooter long term. And if you're planning on using your carrier and not taking it off, really I would recommend getting a locking pin as well. Now if you have things with wheels, this is gonna be a great option for you to get those moved around pretty easily. But if you aren't planning on using that ramp, then I'm not recommend getting one without a ramp. We have other options here that are gonna be made of aluminum as well, but it's just gonna be closed off. So you can put any cargo in there, hook it up to your tie down spots and go. And I do recommend aluminum just so you can maximize the weight capacity that your Prius can actually carry. And that'll do it for our look at the Flint Hill Goods Ramped Cargo