How to delete User Account in Windows 10. That method of deleting user account works for every type of Windows. You can use it to delete, remove user account in Windows 8, Windows 10 and even Windows 11. Using that method you can completely delete local uuser account, remove standard and administrator use account. Make sure you are not sign in to user account you want to delete. You can't remove, delete user account if you are sign in to that account. To delete user account you are sign in, you need to sign out and sign in again to another user account.
I use NETPLIWIZ to show list of Users for this computer. Select User Name of account you want to delete, account you want to remove. In this example I delete, I mean I completely erase, remove local standard administrator user account. So, I select User Name and click Remove. Windows will ask you to confirm, by showing information that You are going to remove user account from this computer, and user will no longer be allowed to use this computer, and ask you are you sue you want to remove user account. If you are sure that you want to delete user account and erase all the files click Yes. It is very easy method of removing user account and works on every Windows computer.
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