How To Use a 1-Cell Google Sheet. 1 Row. 1 Column. 1 Cell.

Опубликовано: 24 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Better Sheets

Why would I need a 1-cell Google Sheet?

A one cell Google sheet, also known as a one by one sheet, can be useful for a variety of purposes. One of the main uses is for app script, where you can insert an API key or other information you need from someone in a specific location. It can also be useful for starting a new project, as it allows you to write notes on a smaller scale and add more rows and columns as needed. It can also be used for dropdown menus in Google Sheets. The free Google Sheets add-on "Tiny Sheets" can also be used to create a one by one sheet in one click and delete rows and columns outside of the data range.

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