Опубликовано: 31 Декабрь 2024
на канале: Jimmy

shit wait what

Apparently this is a thing already. I figured the new LP from these St. Louis punks would be put out in a digital format around the same time as the its physical release on Lumpy Rex, which is in late May/early June. As of now, they're being sold throughout Australia during their tour, so I thought that the Aussie's were gonna have this LP be exclusive to them for a week or two to make up for, y'know, living in Australia. Well, Lumpy and The Dumpys just released it today on their Bandcamp page anyways, so huff it, crocodile-humpers.

Yep, the Dumpers finally put out some new material. I feel like it's been ages; all they put out last year was the Flexi 7" split with the Ausmuteants (   • LUMPY & THE DUMPERS - Flexi 7"  ). Don't get me wrong, I'm not being entitled or anything, I'm not complaining about it. The Dumpers were never one for longer releases, with most of their tapes and 7"s hovering around the two-to-three track mark, so I didn't expect much more from these guys. It's just that having two tracks stave us off for an entire year made for one hell of a slime dry spell. But now, we've got nine, yes, count 'em, NINE brand-spanking-new tracks from the abominable Dumpers. Seriously, they all deserve major props on that merit alone.

In their most-recent flexi 7", they toyed around with a synthesizer in both of the tracks. It was fantastic, and I was really banking on that synth making a return in this LP. I'm afraid that's not the case; whether or not you consider the lack of unconventional experimentation in this LP to be a fault or not is totally subjective. I would've loved to see them step outside of their comfort zone a bit more, but for what we've got now, it's still face-melting. Lumpy and The Dumpers have loosened up their strings and are taking another shot at the straight-slimy punk that we've all been craving for months. The guitar is sluggish and evidently pulling back the punches, the Lumpster still sounds like a goblin behind the mix, the drums do a fine job backing these head-bobbing rhythms, and the bass sounds so damn dense, it's practically just pouring out of your speakers just like the primordial ooze this band crawled out of. Even the recording quality has taken a hit since their last appearance; Lumpy and The Dumpers is one of the few bands that's gotten shittier and STILL sound better than ever before. There's so many gems to be found here, with my personal favorite being the "Looney" cover. It's probably the slowest song on this LP, which I know makes for a weird favorite since this is a hardcore group after all, but that song actually has some grooves to it that I can't get sick of. That and "Spider Bite" are probably the most "different" tracks to be found here, at least in regards to The Dumpers, so check those out if you want a taste of the discernible changes in style these guys are capable of making. All in all, "Huff My Sack" is so worth the wait, I can only hope to be able to pick one up for myself once it's out on Lumpy Rex. I swear, if that thing sells out before I can get my hands on one, I'm gonna throw a major hissy fit.

I know, I know, I usually have free downloads set up for my videos. I'm all about making music more accessible to the innernette punks, but I'm not gonna do it for this particular video; at least not yet. This LP just came out on their Bandcamp, and I'd feel like shit if I denied them opportunities to make money that could be helping them out on their tour. So, I won't have a free download set up for the public until later this month, probably. Do the boys a favor and cough up the three bucks needed to buy it yourself below. It's a steal, really. But if you're THAT dirt poor and are desperate to get ahold of this, I guess you can contact me and I'll set up a download for you. Dumpahz for all.

UPDATE 6/29/16: oh right right. download link added

Huff My Sack - 0:00
Subordinate - 1:52
I'm Gonna Move to New York - 3:16
Looney - 5:17
Numbing Agent - 8:36
Blue Lives - 10:37
Pee in the Pool - 11:46
Nix Nix Nix Nix - 12:35
Spider Bite - 14:11