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Full transcript:
Hello, neighbors and friends. I'm Steven here at Today we're looking at a Replacement Key for your Thule Racks and Carriers, keyed to N2856. I know what you're thinking. "Steve, how do I know which key I need" Well, pretty simple, actually. Look at your Thule rack or carrier, the lock core itself, usually to the left or right of where you insert that key, you'll see an engraving on the front face of that core.
Just simply write down that number. Match it up with the key that you need. Now, zooming in on this key here on the table, you can see the engraving there, 2856, and that's gonna be the key that matches up lock core N2856. Again, you get one key with purchase. If you need more than one, just change the quantity to however many you want.
Well, folks, that's gonna do it for our look today at this Replacement Key for the Thule Racks and Carriers. I'm Steven. Have a great day.