1 тысяч подписчиков
193 видео
Build a Real-Time Streaming Platform - Easier and Faster w/ Colin MacNaughton
DevOps Panel Discussion
Statistical Analysis System Analitics Primer w/ Sam Tibbs
Planning an Effective Integration with a 3rd party API to Scale w/Paul Shriner
Semantic UI for Easy, Clean Application Layouts w/ Paul Shriner
CI/CD as code with Jenkins Pipelines w/ Ethan Rogers
Intro to Scapy: All Your Packets are Belong to Us w/ averagesecguy
Drupal 8: Composer, Console, Entities, and Plugins w/ James Candan
CREAM: Cache Rules Everything Around Me w/ Zach McElrath
Systems at Work and Play: Holism in an Agile world W/ Wil Wade
Community Lightning Talks
Hacktoberfest - an open source celebration w/Adam Jimerson and Justin Spain
Let's Brainstorm Speaking Topics w/ Jessica Ivins
Live Coding LiveView w/ Bruce Tate
The Impact of Compliance and Regulation in Software Development and Testing w/ Dean Holland
Where to next? A panel discussion on past, present, and future of Chattanooga
Hey Lodash, you're doing it wrong! w/ Zach McElrath
Deploying Self Healing Services With Kubernetes w/ Rob Scott
Chadev January Events
Innovation in the era of data-protection and GDPR w/ Paul Shriner
So You Want (Someone Else) to Code w/Caleb Salt
Chattanooga, The Maker Movement, and NOMCON
Building the Chess Machine w/ Camilo Payan
Smarter Kubernetes Access Control: A Simpler Approach to Auth w/ Rob Scott
Panel Discussion: Chadev, Chattanooga, The Future
Getting Started with Unity for Developers w/Braden Carter
When GDPR doesn't fit w/Paul Shriner
Stewardship Made Practical W/ Stuart Halloway
Build a Progressive Web App W/ Trever Ehrlich
Getting Started with GoLang w/Kenn Kitchen
Perceived Security, Trust, and the Thompson Hack w/ Caleb Albritton
Asymmetric Cryptography and Elliptic Curves w/ Andrew Burkus
Containerization Through The Looking Glass Details w/ Adam Jimerson
Voice is just another interface W/ Noel Weichtbrodt
Voice is Just Another Interface W/ Noel Weichbrodt
Angular Runtime Performance, plus witchcraft w/ Kevin Ard