How did a functional Lisp like Clojure get anywhere near the analysts' top right quadrant? Clojure's success is nothing short of astonishing. A decade of stable growth has made Clojure a tool of choice for expert developers from startups to the world's largest companies alike.
There are many reasons for Clojure's success, but in this talk I want to emphasize just one: stewardship. Open source stewardship can be difficult and emotionally draining, but I will show you how to maintain balance, stay effective, and have fun stewarding open-source software.
Stuart Halloway is a founder and President of Cognitect, Inc. ( He is a Clojure committer, and a developer of the Datomic database. Stuart has spoken at a variety of industry events, including StrangeLoop, Clojure/conj, EuroClojure, ClojureWest, SpeakerConf, QCon, GOTO, OSCON, RailsConf, RubyConf, JavaOne, and NFJS. Stuart has written a number of books and technical articles. Of these, he is most proud of Programming Clojure. Learn more about Stu's presentations on his wiki.