68 тысяч подписчиков
176 видео
The Best Kenshi Toughness Guide 1-90 in 150 seconds!
Kenshi Cat earning guide. 100k+ in under one game day with base stats!
The Best Martial Arts/Dex Training Guide (No Cheese) 1-75 in 1 day!
Kenshi - Where to get Masterwork/Specialist armour in the early game!
The Best Kenshi Thievery Guide 1-90 in less than half a minute!
Kenshi | How to make animals unbutcherable! (DO THIS BEFORE YOU BUY THEM)
The Best Kenshi Armoursmithing Guide! (Best Profit/hr for each building and where to live!)
The Best + Quickest Way To Lose Your Limbs In Kenshi Solo (For Organic Races) (In ~2Game Hours!)
Breaking Kenshi: How To Recruit Anti-Slavers! Reach 552+ Stats (No Mods!) + In Depth Details On XP!
Breaking Kenshi: Stunlocking Your Foes as a Weakling - The Polearm Theorem
The Best Kenshi Stealth Guide 1-100 (83.33x1.2) in 58 seconds!
Easy Kenshi Money Making! Earn Over c.300,000+ in Under Half a Gameday!
Labyrinthine Cavern - Side Path Kanna Teleport Bug v 201 recording for bug report
MY BOI IS BACK! Rough video just gonna upload it all. Ended it to focus on peting.
Quickly open/send gifts method. (Just spam click X after sending/opening gifts to skip animation)
Kenshi - Defeat Catlon Hardcore - 6 minutes 5.98 seconds (WR)
The 3 Best Places to Train Attack in Kenshi (No Cheese) 90+ Attack in around a gameday of training!
~10 minutes of Shek vs Skeleton fights to disprove the "Shek are better" claim (No commentary)
The Best Kenshi Strength Training Guide. 40.03-60 Str in 8hrs 32mins gametime (3mins 7secs) & more!
Kenshi Impossible Start Insane Edition (Plus) First Try Solo! (Full VOD with timestamps below!)