I stream everyday excluding Wednesdays at Twitch.tv/FrankieWuzHere Come on and drop by! I do a ton of Solo Challenge runs. Currently as of 10/07/2022 I am doing a Bonedog solo run!
The mods I had enabled are just Nice Map, Mute flies, and the Redone UI - Clean Grey UI as well as a mod I forgot to disable that just reduces the Bonedog's size (In terms of getting stuck on stuff, to allow me to enter buildings) for my Solo Bonedog run I am currently doing on stream. The squad settings are all at the default 1x. After a chat member encouraged me to I decided to make a guide for Kenshi. Planning on making more but wanted to say real quick that it's my first guide so if anyone has any criticism/feedback on something that was off (Like if I was too loud, should have sped up the info at the start etc...) please let me know. Disclaimer I got pretty above average luck with getting multiple no damage KOs from enemies attacking me just as I went to get up so a realistic time to get 1-90 is probably 3 1/2 minutes without that happening. Spent a while to make this one so hope it helps out some people!