The Best Kenshi Armoursmithing Guide! (Best Profit/hr for each building and where to live!)

Опубликовано: 01 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: FrankieWuzHere

The Kenshi Wizard (Blame my chat for this name) is back with another guide. I hope you guys enjoy this one. If you want to see more guides please be sure to comment, up/down vote it based off how you like/dislike it and share it if you'd like. I read every comment. Oh and I didn't want to make it too long but just to explain Traders Leathers are pretty horrid money so don't craft em. They cost c.522.66 each to craft and take 4.03 hrs... Not great.
I stream everyday excluding Wednesdays at Come on and drop by! I do a ton of Solo Challenge/one weapon type runs. If you need help/advice in Kenshi feel free to ask me here, on Twitch or on reddit or twitter. Want to see a specific weapon used in a run I haven't used in at least 2 weeks? Let me know on stream and I'll use it later on. (Minus Crossbows... Sorry.)