I kept telling people that they could beat the current WR in this category by a large margin... And after a certain SOMEONE was rude to me, along with saying if it was so easy why don't I just do it... Well I suck at speedruns... (In terms of irl time... but I am also extremely petty so combined with a sore throat keeping me from recording audio for my guide) I decided I'd do some to pass the time. Spent half an hour doing some attempts and this was the result.
0:19 Run starts.
6:56 Catlon dies.
7:02 I show that game is set to default settings.
7:05 I show no mods are active.
Full recording for verification purposes (Check the comments for timestamps) can be found at :
• Kenshi - Defeat Catlon Hardcore - 6 m...
For any followers just know guides are INC! D/w they are a WIP atm!
With that being said if anyone wants to try, beat my time! Let's get some more competition in Kenshi speedrunning! Anyways the rundown for anyone who wants to speedrun as well!
Nobodies start as a Skeleton to avoid movement speed debuff from hunger. Restart until you start in Stobe's Garden. The moment you your guy(s) load into the map the timer starts. B-line it right to Catlon. Hope you don't get seen running to him. If you do hope that they leave you alone as you cannot r-trick (No 'stop selected characters actions'). If you do r-trick then your run is a "limited" category run which you can still do at that point! The current limited WR is around 3.5minutes slower than this one. So if anyone wants to get on the leaderboards... Well ya know. When you get to Catlon just 1x game speed behind him and spam the living crap out of his backside. Failing to Assassinate a target gives 3x the xp that succeeding does. I average ((Without mistakes) around 17 or so assassinations attempts per animation) You usually are able to KO him before his dialogue finishes. Simply lift up his deathitem for the kill. The frame that a death item has been lifted up is the moment he dies. If any units ranged units happen to aggro onto you, you can always look away from them (As I did at the start) and their reload speed is crippled as a result of that reducing the chances of you getting shot. I move the camera ahead a ton of the time in the SR to load the area ahead of myself as I make my way to it to try to cut down on the game pausing itself to load. Although the time the game spends paused (When the game does it, not manually) does not count towards this speed run time it can still help avoid scenarios where terrain may be unclickable due to not being loaded in yet so you can force a load pause to avoid that happening to you. (Ideally) Hope I explained all that in a way that make sense.
General rules of speedruns for Kenshi are
-No External Versions of the Game.
-Using the in-game editors, external modding or other such developer like tools, is not allowed.
-The recording must start by verifying your game files on GOG or Steam and you must start the game from that launcher after.
-You must show that the gameplay settings are set to default, and your mod list is empty at the start of a new game or after your run.
-Speedrun timer starts once your character loads into the map, not on character creation screen.
-In game loading times do not count towards the time of the run.
-Time spent manually paused does count towards your time.
-If save scumming, all but game loading times count towards your run. (i.e. pausing & menu times)
Hardcore adds in that you cannot save/load. If the game crashes, it is game over. Stop selected character action (R tricking) is not allowed.