111 тысяч подписчиков
2 тысяч видео
What is the fastest way to relieve hip pain?
How do I know if my knee injury is serious?
When can you remove screws from a prior surgery?
Walking for a few minutes after a meal can improve your health
Treatment of a quad muscle injury
When can I walk normally after ACL surgery?
Why do I have pain in the back of my knee?
The perfect job, using fear of death as fitness motivation, and much more!
Perform an exercise program to prevent a sprained ankle
Osteochondral lesion of the talus (OCD lesion): Signs, symptoms and treatment options
High-intensity exercise improves your mental health
6. How to create a great background for Zoom and Skype interviews
Acromioclavicular (AC) joint injury: Signs, symptoms and current treatments
Femoral neck stress fracture: Signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment
Exercise reduces alcohol cravings
Cubital tunnel syndrome: Signs, symptoms and treatment of this ulnar nerve injury
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD): Signs, symptoms and current treatments
What relieves hip arthritis without surgery?
SLAP tear of the shoulder: Signs, symptoms and current treatments
How to eat healthy on the road when traveling for sports competitions
N95 masks are most effective for COVID-19
The top 4 mistakes beginners make lifting weights
Frozen shoulder: Treatment options for adhesive capsulitis
How can you quickly recover from a navicular stress fracture?
Signs your foot or ankle injury is serious
Many orthopedic surgeries no better for patients than non-surgical treatments
The long-term damage of cortisone shots
Can a chiropractor help with arthritis in your back?
Exercises for an ankle sprain to help you recover quickly
What are the symptoms of a worn hip joint?
What is olecranon bursitis?
Eating nuts is good for your brain
Evening exercise might be better for your blood pressure
Ask the Doctor: Healing of a navicular stress fracture
How do I know if I tore something in my shoulder?
The health benefits of laser therapy
What is a Tommy John or UCL injury?
Exercise to overcome bad sleep
What is a distal biceps rupture?
Why peptides and exosomes are labeled experimental by the FDA
Infrared sauna to recover from workouts
Hot baths can help your workouts
The health benefits of PEMF
What are 3 common traumatic shoulder injuries?
Can hip pain go away on its own?
Regular exercise helps you fight off stress
The health benefits of walking
Effectiveness of common orthopedic procedures - Part 2
Effectiveness of common orthopedic procedures - Part 1
What arthritis actually is
What is a rotator cuff tear?