Can Machines Think? Alan Turing's Imitation Game - Episode 1 - Machine Learning for Beginners

Опубликовано: 18 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Python Simplified

Everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence! But somehow - each of us has our own definition and we are fully convinced that everyone else is wrong! 🤪
So before we define AI, let's start with the most important question: can machines think?? 🤖🤖🤖

Welcome to the first episode of my new AI series, where we will discuss Alan Turing's Imitation Game. Back in 1950, Turing proposed this game as a test of whether machines are capable of thinking or not. Today we will explore it in great detail, with simple terms and plenty of colourful illustrations and examples! (as usual...😀)

This video is perfectly suitable for folks at ALL LEVELS of technical skills!!! - absolute beginners and experts alike! If you find this topic interesting, I highly recommend reading Turing's Computing Machinery and Intelligence paper on which the next 3 episodes of "Can machines think?" are based (link below).

My goal is to help folks with little to no technical knowledge to learn AI! Just because you don't have advanced programming skills or a perfect understanding of math - doesn't mean that AI learning is out of reach! It only means you need the right teacher! 😉

If you find this topic fascinating and want to study it further, you can check out my old AI Simplified Playlist:
⭐ AI and Machine Learning Simplified:
   • Artificial Intelligence and Machine L...  
I must admit, it's not as "non-technical" as my new series! but if you have a basic knowledge of algebra, statistics and programming - I'm sure you'll find your way around! 😀

🚨 Next episodes 🚨
⭐ Can Computers Think - Digital Computer (Episode 2)
   • Can Machines Think? Digital Computer ...  
⭐ Can Machines Think - Why Machines Can't Think (Episode 3):
   • Can Machines Think? Machines Can't Th...  

📌 This series is based on 📌
⭐ Computing Machinery and Intelligence by Alan Turing

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💳 Credits 💳
⭐ Beautiful titles, transitions, sound FX, and music:
⭐ Beautiful icons:
⭐ Beautiful graphics:
⭐ Historical Photos:

#machinelearning #ai #artificialintelligence #ml #imitationgame #machine #computer #computerscience #learning #learnai #software #softwareengineer #softwaredeveloper