239 тысяч подписчиков
163 видео
Get Dynamic Bitcoin Data in REAL TIME with Python - Intro to Deephaven - LINUX OS!!!
Image Classification Pipeline Overview - Final University Project
Great news everybody!!! Compiling Kivy .py files into .apk is doable even on a Windows machine!! 🥳🥳🥳
String Data Type - Python for Beginners - Lesson 2 #python #shorts #data #programming #coding
Django QuickStart Web Application for Beginners
Anaconda Beginners Guide for Linux and Windows - Python Working Environments Tutorial
Install Python with Anaconda - OLD VERSION
Gradient Descent - Simply Explained! ML for beginners with Code Example!
New Llama 3.1 NIM Tutorial with 20 Coupons for Brev #python #ai #llm #coupon #ml #dl
List Comprehension - BEST Python feature !!! Fast and Efficient
Web Scraping Facebook with Selenium - AUTOMATED BOT
Professional Pandas Line Graph Plot in less than 10 Minutes
Much Faster Pandas with cuDF GPU Processing - CPU vs GPU Speed Benchmarks
The Three Rules of Test Driven Development
Draw with OpenCV - No more Photoshop! Graphic Design with Python!
Another (failing? 😅) attempt at filming shorts. I'm not good at this. At all!
Cloud Computing with Vultr - The Ultimate Guide for Beginners
Do you Need a Tutor or Mentor for Programming?
Streaming Good Vibes and Positive Energy! Come Hang Out! :)
Read Giant Datasets Fast - 3 Tips For Better Data Science Skills
Recursion Simply Explained with Code Examples - Python for Beginners
Install Python with Anaconda in 4 Easy Steps
All Twitter Bots are Gone. EXCEPT FOR MINE!!! Tutorial Tomorrow! 🤖🤖🤖
Ultimate Guide to NumPy Arrays - VERY DETAILED TUTORIAL for beginners!
How Was GTC 2024??? Live Vlog with Pictures!
Can Machines Think? Machines Can't Think - Episode 3 - Machine Learning for Beginners
NEW Machine Learning Python GUI Tutorial TOMORROW!!! 🐍🤖👾
Ready for GUI Application Automated Testing Tutorial?? WHAT to test and HOW to test it
Python Learning Roadmap for Beginners - This is how I learned! - Vlog 4
Docker Simply Explained with a Machine Learning Project for Beginners
You Choose the Topic of Today's Stream - Coding, Chatting or Designing? 🤔
A Sneak Peek at My New Office and Temporary Setup!
If __name__ == "__main__" for Python Developers
Testing GUI Apps - What to test? How to test it? Mini Coding Course for Beginners
My Twitter Bot is Ready - Upcoming LIVE STREAM tutorial web scraping with Python Selenium
Create a Python App with Dear PyGui - Graphic User Interface
Cloudflare Protection Is Broken!!! Bots of the world unite!! 🤖🤖🤖
Tutorial Questions and Chat - Weekly Stream
FASTER Inference with Torch TensorRT Deep Learning for Beginners - CPU vs CUDA
Vote now!!! upcoming tutorial poll‼️
Brand New Code Jam Begins! Gain Hands On Programming Experience - Register today!
Can Machines Think? Digital Computer - Episode 2 - Machine Learning for Beginners
Zip Vs Range - Which is Faster? Benchmarking YOUR code suggestions too!
Long Time No Stream - Let's Catch-up!
Simple Machine Learning GUI App with Taipy and Tensorflow
Docker Quick Guide TOMORROW! 🐳🐳🐳 100% Beginner Friendly ML Containers Simplified! 🤖
Welcome New Subscribers! Welcome Back to Everyone Else! Come say Hi! :)
LinkedIn Contacts Automation with Selenium - Step by Step Bot
NumPy Operations - Ultimate Guide to Methods and Functions for Beginners!
Can Machines Think? Alan Turing's Imitation Game - Episode 1 - Machine Learning for Beginners