In this tutorial, we will learn about NumPy arrays in great detail! 🤓
NumPy is one of the most popular Python libraries and just as it sounds - it deals with numbers!
An array, on the other hand, is a collection of items of the same type and it's the data structure that NumPy uses.
This video will give you the tools and demos to understand how NumPy manages data and how it approaches memory consumption.
We will explore different functions and methods to:
⭐ create N-dimensional arrays
⭐ reshape arrays
⭐ sort arrays with different algorithms
⭐ filter and manipulate array values
The goal of this Ultimate Guide (and all the future Ultimate Guides I'll be filming for other libraries) - is to cover a HUGE part of the NumPy documentation. It's meant for all the folks who learn by example rather than by reading dry text and hopefully this will take your NumPy skills to an expert level! 🥼🥼🥼
You can find PART 2 of this tutorial here: • NumPy Operations - Ultimate Guide to ...
If you don't feel like coding along with me, you can always clone my code from Wayscript!
It's the IDE I'm using in this video, and if you like what you see - you can sign up for free!! 😀
⭐ get complete tutorial code:
* Sorry code is unavailable, RIP Wayscript 😭😭😭*
⭐ what is Wayscript?
🛠️ Related Tutorials of Mine 🛠️
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• NumPy Operations - Ultimate Guide to ...
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00:00 - intro
00:43 - install NumPy
01:02 - import NumPy
01:09 - create an array with NumPy arange
04:09 - create an array with NumPy array
04:27 - why arrays are better than lists
07:08 - NumPy data types
08:06 - 2 dimensional arrays
09:47 - shape attribute
10:38 - reshape arrays
12:33 - create empty arrays
14:14 - NumPy eye function
15:10 - change array values
18:41 - sort NumPy arrays
21:13 - difference between copy and view
23:50 - next NumPy tutorial and thank you for watching!
🐍 Install with Anaconda 🐍
conda install -c anaconda numpy
* more details here:
🔗 Important Links 🔗
⭐ NumPy Documentation:
⭐ Icons by:
⭐ Text Animations by: