Good morning everyone! In today's stream, we will review a set of 10 images of humans from a dataset I'm developing - AlteredNet. The purpose of my dataset is to help detect AI-altered imagery using Neural Networks, but today we will test how well us humans can do the same!!! 😉
If you want to participate in this little experiment, I've created a Google Form with 10 questions, each about a different database image:
The results will help me tremendously in my final project for university. I will use them as a baseline, which my neural network will attempt to beat.
For example, if you guys correctly identified 60% of the images - then my networks would have to correctly identify at least 61%.
So the better you do - the more challenging my job will be (so please make sure you do very poorly!! 😅😅😅 hahaha just kidding!!! Do your best!!! It's not an easy test to begin with)
Also - what do you think of Fridays as my official weekly streaming day?? I'm trying to set up a system of 1 - 1.5 hour weekly streams where myself and sometimes other tech creators will interact with you through the chat. Immediately after, we'll proceed to 30 - 60 minutes of members-only streams, where you guys will have the opportunity to join me via camera and microphone and interact with me directly.
I'm still figuring out how to do it, if you guys have any ideas - please let me know! I'm gonna check with you in the chat 😊
See you soon!!
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💳 Credits 💳
⭐ Beautiful stock images used in AlteredNet and in the thumbnail: