Welcome to another Python Object Oriented Programming exercise! Where we will practice classes, objects, attributes, methods, and inheritance using Pygame 🐍🐍🐍
We will take an image of a car, turn it into an object, and use it to generate trucks, police vehicles, and all kinds of sedans. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you understand the different aspects of OOP and show you why it's such an important programming concept.
Even though this video begins with a quick refresher, it is recommended for folks who already have a basic background with Python classes. If you are an absolute beginner, please refer to the two tutorial recommendations on the screen and in the links below.
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⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 - intro
00:36 - Pygame starter code
01:04 - setup Pygame environment
02:07 - class attributes and init
04:31 - class methods
04:16 - self parameter tips and tricks
04:59 - draw object with Pygame
06:48 - why using OOP?
07:22 - keyword arguments
08:04 - create multiple objects with one class using random values
10:17 - inherit methods and attributes from parent class
10:57 - super function
11:19 - super init
11:19 - super init keyword arguments
13:00 - override attributes of child class
13:56 - child class keyword arguments
14:47 - advanced OOP example
18:22 - thanks for watching! :)
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💳 Credits 💳
⭐ Beautiful titles, transitions, sound FX:
⭐ Beautiful icons:
⭐ Beautiful graphics and dog meme:
#python #pythonprogramming #pythontutorial #oop #objectorientedprogramming #classes #objects #coding #programming #attributes #methods #functions #inheritance #learnpython