Today we will explore 9 reasons why machines can't think! 🤖 (nope, I'm not trolling you! The last episode of "can machines think?" is entirely dedicated to opposite perspectives! 🙃)
If you haven't had a chance to watch the 2 previous episodes, you can find them here:
⭐ Watch Episode 1 - The Imitation Game:
• Can Machines Think? Alan Turing's Imi...
⭐ Watch Episode 2 - Digital Computers:
• Can Machines Think? Digital Computer ...
We will review the following objections, based on Alan Turing's Computing Machinery and Intelligence paper (you can find links to the original paper in the previous episodes above):
1. 01:03 - The Theological Objection
2. 01:25 - The ‘Heads in the Sand’ Objection
3. 02:20 - The Mathematical Objection
4. 02:53 - The Argument from Consciousness
5. 03:58 - Arguments from Various Disabilities
6. 04:44 - Lady Lovelace's Objection
7. 05:40 - Argument from Continuity in the Nervous System
8. 06:20 - The Argument from Informality of Behaviour
9. 07:12 - The Argument from Extra-Sensory Perception
🎥 Related Videos of Mine 🎥
⭐ Watch my old AI Simplified Series:
• Artificial Intelligence and Machine L...
This is the last AI video I'll upload to this specific channel (Python Simplified).
All future Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning lessons will be uploaded to a different channel, so please stay tuned! (For now, I'm at @aisimplified888 but I'm hoping to dispose of the triple 8s and grab the official name! I've already emailed the individual who currently holds it, hopefully, they'll get back to me soon 😉)
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💳 Credits 💳
⭐ Beautiful titles, transitions, sound FX, and music by Mixkit
⭐ Beautiful icons by Flaticon
⭐ Beautiful graphics by Freepik
⭐ Historical Photos by Wikimedia
(you can find links to these resources in both previous episodes)