Inspiration has a way of peeking out from the most unlikely places. While flipping through the pages of a paper art book called Push Paper, I was struck by an image of a paper car made entirely from maps. The image set my wheels in motion and I came up with the idea of creating some kind of “map vehicle” animation. The more I thought about the animation, the bigger the idea grew. Eventually, I decided to depict a VW van covered in various topo and city maps exploring each region’s most notable sites, buildings, and monuments. If you pay close attention to this 45-second animation, you’ll notice a variety of fun details, such as music that originates from and represents each location or country, a song by the Indigo Girls that serves as the title and theme for this animation, a concluding Italian song that means “goodbye,” tiny dust particles floating through some of the miniature mapscapes, and paintings on the back walls that hint at the VW’s next destination. I had an especially good time dreaming up this animation. I hope you enjoy it.
Here are links to the resources associated with this animation:
Push Paper:
Cinema 4D:
Trapcode Particular:
Optical Flares:
After Effects:
Rocky Mountain High by John Denver:
Art-List: / Song: Innocence by Suraj Nepal
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles:
Nessun dorma! performed by Luciano Pavarotti:
Get Out The Map by the Indigo Girls:
Arrivederci by Don Marino Barreto Jr.: