Title: - ANTI-JAM GPS CONTROLLED RECEPTION PATTERN ANTENNAS (CRPA) for 8 Patch Antennas L1, L2 and L5 Applying STAP Processing
Installl the required software...
Copy the zip file and paste to the D or E drive and Extract the zip file.
Copy the folder "ANTI-JAM GNSS CONTROLLED RECEPTION PATTERN ANTENNAS" under the code folder and Paste into any drive.
Note: Don't Delete any file or folders project contains...
Then Launch matlab IDE.
Next copy the source code location (Note: Use the source code location avoids space). Then paste the source code location into matlab address location. After paste, press the enter key.
Software Requirement:
1) Matlab-R2022b\Simulink
2) Windows-10 (64-bit)