Title: - Interference Aware Multi-Tier Scheduling and Secure Routing in Edge Assisted SDWSN Environment using MTD and Intellectual Techniques
Software Requirements:
1) NS-3.26
2) ubuntu-14.04 LTS(32-bit os)
Execution Steps:
Open the ternimal (ctrl + alt + t)
change the directory on terminal.
First execute the files
change the image locations in the main files.
command to execute :
./waf --run filename --vis
1) Use our module else you get error.
2) Refer howtoaddour model.txt to addmodule
For NetAnim: Copy the img1 folder under the Code folder and paste into these path -- /home/[your device name]/ns-allinone-3.26/netanim-3.107
Implementation Plan:
Step 1: We create a Network , it consists of 100 sensor nodes,2-Gateway,1-sink, 4-Edge assisted switches and 1 cloud Server.
Step 2: Initially , construct the network and Perform density based clustering of WSN nodes by using Divide Well To Merge Better (DWTMB) algorithm and also select the optimal Cluster Leader.
Step 3: Next , Perform the multi-tier hierarchical scheduling technique into three states such as transmission, reception, and sleep by the local gateways using Non Cooperative Fuzzy Theory (NCFT) approach.
Step 4: Next , Select the optimal and secure routing paths using proposed Secure and Optimal Routing Protocol (SORP) and Encrypt the routing packets using Camellia Encryption Algorithm (CEA)..
Step 5: Next, perform the second level routing in switch by using Cycle General Adversarial Networks (CGAN).
Step 6: Next, perform the packet transmission without attacks.
[The process based on your proposal :- Interference Aware Multi-Tier Scheduling and Secure Routing in Edge Assisted SDWSN Environment using MTD and Intellectual Techniques ]
Step 7: Finally the Performance metrics is defined as follows, No of SDWSN Nodes vs Energy Consumption,Speed of Node Vs Packet Delivery Ratio, No. of SDWSN Nodes Vs End to End Delay and No of Attacks Vs Attack Mitigation/Prevention Rate.
s/w req:
1) ns-3.26
2) ubuntu 14.04 [32 bit]
we perform the existing process , based on the title:- Multipath resilient routing for endogenous secure software defined networks
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