This time I thought I'd try and softmod one of my Sony PSP game consoles. This is a 1003 model but you can use this tutorial for any version of PSP you are trying to softmod.
Before any softmod can be installed, the PSP has to be updated to the latest firmware. The issue is that the wifi built in to most PSPs is a little dated so unless your wifi is using TKIP or AES or worst still, no encryption then it won't connect to the internet. In this tutorial I go through putting a firmware update on your memory stick and updating it this way.
Doing this will allow your Sony PSP to play homebrew software, run emulators and of course, play games direct from a Sony memory stick. This is supposed to be one of the easist mods to do and have to say that I agree.
Useful links:
Again, no afflation but this is the site I used to get all my firmware updates and the softmod software needed. This site is full of lots of useful software and tutorials
Went on Amazon to get the Memory stick Pro Duo compatible micro SD adaptor - this costs around £5 (or just over $6 USD)
Micro SD card used is a Sandisk. I'm using a 32gig one but could use a 64gig or 128gig. Did try a 512gig but it didn't like it and wouldn't format it