Aechmea is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Bromeliaceae family, distributed in Central America and South America. Includes from 280 to 300 species.
Many plants of the genus Ehmeya are beautiful ornamental plants, widespread in the culture.
Aechmea is epiphyt (rarely - terrestrial plants) - it can easily form rooting vegetative shoots.
The plant loves light. Most of the species distributed in culture belong to a warm temperature group.
Propagated by kiddies and seeds. During seeds propagation, flowering begins on the third year.
Low winter temperatures stimulate the formation of peduncles. The rest period is either absent or short-lived. In summer, watering is regularly, with soft and warm water, as the upper layer of the substrate dries up, water is first poured into the rosettes of the leaves, and then the soil is poured.
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