More information about phalaenopsis:
With improper care conditions, phalaenopsis orchid can radically change its appearance: it becomes oblique, and because of this, an additional weight is required so that the pot does not turn over.
The leaves of the plant have a wrinkled surface, elongated and pale appearance and a small number of leaves.
Signs of sunburn can be seen on these leaves.
In addition to these problems, there is also a positive point: the root system is sufficiently developed, there are no signs of infectious diseases, the aerial part of the plant also has no signs of infection (pathogenic fungi, bacteria, viruses).
Based on this, we are going to return the former decorativeness of the plant.
First, let's eliminate the dehydration of the orchid. The fact that the plant does not have enough water is indicated by the wrinkling of the leaves. Provide watering of the orchid. Remove dust from the leaves of the plant using a paper towel.
After that we will provide the favorable care conditions for a couple of days: illumination - diffused sunlight and temperature + (20-27) C.
Five days after watering, you can see that the orchid came to life: the bottom leaf turned yellow completely. The outflow of nutrients from it occurred for the development of the orchid.
We clean the root system of the orchid from the old bark. We also remove damaged and dead roots.
Initially, we wanted to keep the size of the container in which the orchid will be planted. It can be seen that the phalaenopsis root system has outgrown the container in which it was located.
To ensure sufficient space for the normal development of the root system for the next year, we will halve the size of the root system by dividing the orchid in two.
After that, we use fresh bark to plant the orchid.
Next, we provide the orchid with the necessary care conditions, illumination, temperature and watering frequency. All this information is described in detail in the article on our website, the link is in the description below. Feeding of the plant is provided together with the first watering.
If the plant is grown under conditions with one-sided lighting, then once a week the plant should be turned 90 degrees to the light source.
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