So, there are some possible reasons why does zamioculcas turn yellow.
1. Excessive watering of the plant. It is a common mistake. Be sure to check the soil mixture between irrigations, it should be dry. The problem is especially relevant in the winter period, when the plant reduces water consumption.
2. If the plant is exposed to direct sunlight for more than 6 hours a day, then the leaves may get burned, and as a result turn yellow. In May-August period from 11-00 am to 15-00 pm (for Temperate zone where we live) it is necessary to shade the plant from exposure to direct sunlight. Of course, there can be a difference between our time zones, but i think, you’ve got the point.
3. Zamioculcas is a slowly growing plant (in room culture). If you try to disperse the growth of the plant with the help of excessive fertilizer feeding, then the roots die first, and after that the leaves turn yellow. As a result, the plant dies.
4. It can also be a root system disease. Over time, the soil mixture changes its mechanical composition and its acidity, in other words, the soil mixture turns into dirt with an alkaline reaction. In such environment, the roots of the plant die off. If the soil mixture was not initially sterilized, it can become a source of pathogens of fungal and bacterial origin. In this case, the roots and the whole plant also die.
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