In this video, we will talk about the Anaconda toolkit and how we can use it to make our Python journey a bit more convenient.
We will talk about working environments and how we can create them on our computer.
We will also install different versions of Python inside these environments and combine them with a few popular packages.
We will discuss all the must-know conda commands.
We will install a conde editor named Jupyter Notebook.
The goal of this tutorial is:
a. to show the convenience of working environments.
b. to answer why I'm using conda in most of my videos
I didn't mention it in this tutorial - but you can still install Pygame with Python 3.5 (up to 3.5, newer versions will not work with conda!)
You'll just need to figure out which version of Pygame works with your version of Python!
So is Python 2.7 really a requirement? NO! I shouldn't have phrased it that way... but you might run into issues if you go for a later version! I got lots of questions about it and 2.7 seems to work great for everybody!
So if you got the following error:
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found
to be incompatible with the existing python installation in your environment:
- pygame - python[version='2.7.*3.5.*']
Your python: python=3.9
Just try combining it with an older version of Python and it should do the trick!
⏰Time Stamps ⏰
00:00 - Intro to Anaconda Toolkit
00:23 - What is a working environment?
01:52 - Install Anaconda on Linux Ubunbtu 20.4
03:35 - Create conda working environments
04:02 - conda: command not found ERROR FIX
04:52 - conda install Pytorch
05:15 - conda list packages
06:00 - install Pygame
06:56 - conda remove package
07:25 - conda env list
07:47 - conda update package
08:14 - update conda
08:49 - search for install commands
10:18 - Jupyter Notebook
11:35 - Install Anaconda on Windows
14:20 - thanks for watching!
Anaconda Cheat Sheet
Learn more about Jupyter Notebook (old video of mine)
My Simple Video Game with Pygame Tutorial
My Pytorch Databases Tutorial
My Web App with Flask Tutorial