If you're searching around online for the K3 Salt Mineral scam, you came to the right place. My video is all about how there's a long-running scam about CBD gummies and keto gummies claiming a supposed K3 Salt Mineral will help you lose weight, reverse dementia, remove all chronic pain or do something else that's quite amazing. However, the truth of the matter is there is no K3 Salt Mineral. It's a buzz word made up to sound interesting in an attempt to get people to buy gummies.
The K3 Salt Mineral scam is at least a few years old. It's been going around since probably 2022 or before. The scam often begins with an ad on Facebook or Instagram and then lands on a fake article pretending to be USA Today or perhaps another publisher. That article is always hosted on a scam website. It claims a special K3 Salt Mineral will help you do something incredible with the ability to lose weight. Various celebrities are often mentioned. It's nothing but a fraudulent attempt to extract money from your credit card on a recurring basis with hidden subscriptions.
If you saw a scam ad or article talking about the K3 Salt Mineral and ended up making a purchase of CBD or keto gummies, I suggest you call your credit card company to alert them you've been scammed. Do not consume the products. If you saw something that claimed a celebrity endorsed the gummies, you saw a fake celebrity endorsement that tried to trick you. No celebrities ever endorsed any keto gummies supposedly meant for weight loss. None.
If you want to lose weight, the best strategy will always be diet and exercise. If diet and exercise does not work for you, don't fall for ruses like the K3 Salt Mineral scam. Instead, go and make a doctor's appointment. Speak with a medical professional. They will be able to best advise you regarding how you can lose weight.
These scams really never get old. Whoever is behind them isn't being completely crafty. You can find information about who is behind the K3 Salt Mineral scam simply by looking around a little bit on the Better Business Bureau website. Everything regarding the origins of the scam isn't completely clear but there's a lot of information out there. It would be nice if the FTC decided to look into these scams instead of shrugging and hoping for the best.
If you would like more information about this scam or other scams, I recommend looking through the past videos on my channel. I've been tackling scams since July 2022 and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.