196 тысяч подписчиков
149 видео
Tutorial: Indentifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in your application stack
State of OpenCon: Interview with Amanda Brock -- CEO at OpenUK
Tutorial: Cosign Signature, Attestation, Trivy Reports and Kyverno Policies
Full Tutorial: AlertManager Set up and PrometheusRules
Must Know Linux Commands
Developer Relations Career Path -- Come join the meetup
Full Kubernetes tutorial on Docker, KinD, kubectl, Helm, Prometheus, Grafana
Full tutorial: Continous in-cluster security scanning with the Trivy Operator
Introduction to GitHub Actions
Full tutorials: K8sGPT -- Kubernetes Superpowers through AI
GitOps to enhance cloud native security
She Can Cloud Native: Kubernetes 101 - What I wish I knew as a Developer
Kubernetes RBAC full tutorial with examples
Grafana Loki to access Kubernetes logs
Full Tutorial: Monitoring and Troubleshooting stack with Prometheus, Grafana, Loki and Komodor
Full Tutorial: Kubernetes Troubleshooting with Komodor
Kubernetes Ingress Tutorial: Day 32 of
State Of OpenCon 2023 by OpenUK - Attendee Interviews
Kubernetes Policy Checks on Custom Resources
A deep dive into Helm Dependencies
My favourite DevOps & cloud native tools
CI/CD Platform Comparison: CircleCI, Codefresh, GitLab, GitHub Actions
Set-up your local Kubernetes Cluster: Day 5 of
Knative Beginner Tutorial: Day 27 of
Argo Workflows and Argo Events | Day 35 of
Verify Kubernetes Deployments with Datree
Prometheus Exporter Tutorial: Day 30 of
Kubernetes CrashLoopBackOff: Day 7 of
Kubernetes Namespaces What Why How: Day 19 of
Istio for Beginners: Day 33 of
How it feels using Terraform for your infrastructure
Getting Started with DevOps -- sharing my learning journey
Building a four node Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster
Kubernetes ReplicaSet: Day 8 of
Get started with Kubernetes Security and Starboard
KubeCon NA 2022 -- The sessions that I'm excited about and how to make the best of it
Should you learn Docker before learning Kubernetes?
She Can Cloud Native: Cloud Native WebAssembly with Divya Mohan
Kubernetes ConfigMaps -- Day 15 of
Full Tutorial ArgoCD and Kustomize for GitOps Deployments | Part 1
introduction to Kubernetes Operators
Terraform Practical Guide: Day 20 of
Tribe Community Platform
Full Tutorial: Deploying Helm Charts in Kubernetes with Terraform
Learn how to use the Terraform Helm Provider
10 Things I wish I would have known BEFORE learning Kubernetes
Bootstrap your cluster and application with Terraform