This video is a full overview of K8sGPT, showing you how you can get started both with the CLI and the K8sGPT Kubernetes Operator to analyze your cluster's error messages and receive contextualized data.
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Kubernetes + OpenAI = K8sGPT, giving you AI superpowers! • Kubernetes + OpenAI = K8sGPT, giving ...
K8sGPT brings security scanning & AI data anonymisation in v0.2.1 • K8sGPT brings security scanning & AI ...
Kubernetes 24/7 AI SRE with K8sGPT Operator • Kubernetes 24/7 AI SRE with K8sGPT Op...
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00:00 - Intro and overview of K8sGPT
03:22 - Installation
06:16 - Authorising OpenAI
08:31 - Using The CLI
14:58 - Why you need K8sGPT
17:31 - CLI Integrations
22:49 - How to get started contributing
23:48 - Using the K8sGPT Operator
11:28 - Outro